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KA-Huis Guides

This repository contains standardised practices that we use within our organisation. Information about our deployment process, used third party services and other types information will be placed here as well.

The KA-Huis is a youth building located in the Posterholt (Limburg, The Netherlands) where youth associations en many volunteers make use of. The associations all fall under the foundation: “Stichting voor Jeugd en Jongeren”. This GitHub organisation account is at the time of writing this NOT OFFICIALY managed by the foundation.

The current digitalising project of the KA-Huis is created and currently maintained by four students from Fontys Hogeschool for a semester challenge:


The vision behind this documentation is to improve the overall collaboration between the various volunteers that contribute to our projects (our project group currently, but hopefully by the many that will follow). By creating a shared information database new contributors can for example easily start contributing by reading and following these guides. Some information like who our hosting provider is must be written down, so new volunteers can always find out where our applications are hosted.

Feel free to contribute to these guides by introducing new guides or improvements to existing guides. The most important aspect of standardising is that everyone will share the same vision on how to work within our organisation. This means that we welcome new ideas and practices.

While these guides always remain a living document that’s never be finished, there are some important things to keep in mind while proposing them or adjusting existing ones:

  • Try to keep uncertainty in mind.
  • Try to keep proposed processes simple and universal.
  • Refer to sources, so we can validate the authenticity and correctness of your arguments.